If you know me, you’ll know I’m a huge fan (junkie?) of anything that merges personal development work with online marketing. When I found Russell Brunsons Secret’s to Success, I was super intregued. He hooked me once he started talking about the course by Napoleon Hill’s mentor, Charles F. Haanel which was created all the way back in 1912.

I haven’t gotten to the course by him yet, as this week I’m working through one of the books that came in the box, called ‘Secrets of Master Salesmanship’.

It’s not just another book; it’s like having a little mentor right inside the palm of your hand.

Need to work through stupid head trash, start reading the book.

Need to up your vibe… start reading the book!

Need to remind yourself that you are born for this… JUST OPEN THE BOOK AND PICK A CHAPTER!

As I’ve always believed… (AND use to run from the fact) life’s a series of sales pitches – we’re constantly selling ideas, dreams, or just selling ourselves.

Anyways, let’s me tell you a little more about the membership itself. You know those hidden gems you find and can’t help but rave about?

That’s this membership for me.

One of the coolest surprises was discovering that Secrets to Success has a built-in library. Each month, we get two credits to unlock exclusive courses and content. It’s like Christmas every month, and who doesn’t love that?

If you are a curious cats, do yourselves a favor and check out the sales page. It’ gives a really nice sneak peek into what’s in store when you sign up.

Every page I turn in ‘Secrets of Master Salesmanship’ and every new course I unlock, I find myself nodding and scribbling notes. It’s not just education; it’s an experience, a journey into the depths of marketing and self-improvement.

Whether you’re just dipping your toes into online marketing or looking to maximize your succeess game, Russell Brunson’s Secret to Success is like finding the roadmap you didn’t know you needed.

I can’t wait to share more nuggets of wisdom as I continue this journey. Trust me, if my experience so far is any indicator, we’re all in for a treat. Let’s keep learning and growing together!


P.S. Be sure to check out the box books in the mail for just $29 🤣…. I’m a sucker for the upsells!


*Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All thoughts and opinions in the post remain mine. This is not a sponsored post.